What to expect when you’re having a c-section

I wasn’t planning on having a c-section. I also wasn’t planning on spending the last 9 weeks of my pregnancy in the hospital as a high-risk patient. But, as Dumbledore would say… If you look hard enough, you can almost always find a silver lining in every situation. One of the silver linings of my 9-week … More What to expect when you’re having a c-section

My 9-week journey as a high-risk pregnancy patient: Part 2 – 20 tips for survival and sanity in the hospital

In this post, I’ll share 20 tips for surviving and maintaining your sanity during a long-term stay in the hospital based on my own experience. … More My 9-week journey as a high-risk pregnancy patient: Part 2 – 20 tips for survival and sanity in the hospital

My 9-week journey as a high-risk pregnancy patient: Part 1 – A day in the life

On August 16, 2017, I was 25 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with a condition called Vasa Previa, resulting in me spending the duration of my pregnancy in the high-risk hospital ward. I began writing this post sitting on my husband’s couch bed in room 3106 at Riverside Methodist Hospital where I’d been living for the … More My 9-week journey as a high-risk pregnancy patient: Part 1 – A day in the life

For we grew to the same beat of our mother’s heart

Finally, the wait was over On April 26, 2017, my husband Brian and I walked into my OBGYN office for the first ultrasound of our second pregnancy. To say that we were nervous is an understatement since our first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in 2014. The first nine weeks of this second pregnancy seemed … More For we grew to the same beat of our mother’s heart